Al Mansurya gas-fired power plant, in Iraq (Source: Alstom)

Alstom has secured a turnkey contract worth close to €400 million with Eni Iraq B.V. to build the Zubair gas-fired power plant near Basra in southern Iraq. It is Alstom’s second contract to build a large gas-fired power plant in the country.

Alstom’s responsibilities will include engineering, building and commissioning the 740 MW (gross) Zubair gas-fired power plant, as well as supply of four GT13E2 gas turbines and other key equipment for the project.

Technical support and engineering expertise for the project will come from the company’s power generation headquarters in Baden, Switzerland, and its German gas turbine manufacturing facility in Mannheim.

"This project will make Alstom the only original equipment manufacturer to have secured more than one engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contract in Iraq, following its success securing the similar Al Mansurya plant project north-east of Baghdad in 2011," Alstom said.

The order was booked in Q4 of the current fiscal year.

Photo: Al Mansurya gas-fired power plant in Iraq (Credit: Alstom)