Three Siemens 274 MW SGT6-8000H gas turbines have started commercial operations at the Riviera Beach Next Generation Clean Energy Centre in Florida. Plant operator is Florida Power & Light Company (FPL). This new power plant now joins the ranks of the most efficient power stations in the United States today, says Siemens, alongside the new plant at Cape Canaveral that went into operation last year.

The Riviera Beach facility is 33 % more fuel-efficient than its oil-burning predecessor. The new plant has cut carbon dioxide emissions by almost 50% and reduced air emissions by more than 90%.

"The Riviera Beach Centre is a demonstration of our commitment to dramatically reducing our dependence on foreign oil, while at the same time, delivering clean, reliable and affordable electricity for all our customers" commented Eric Silagy, president of FPL.

In May 2011 a model SGT-8000H gas turbine achieved a world-record efficiency of 60.75 % in combined-cycle operation at Irsching power station in Germany. Siemens has sold 28 H-Class GTs to date. Nine of them now in commercial operation and have clocked up over 70 000 equivalent operating hours.