Starting today, 5 May, the various bodies involved in running Europe’s electricity grid are holding a web-streamed conference to determine how to jointly implement the EU’s new network grid codes.
‘Fairer prices and more choice for European energy consumers’ is the goal of energy liberalisation and market integration. Network codes, jointly developed by the European Commission, the Agency for the Co-operation of Energy Regulators (ACER) and the European Network for Transmission System Operators for gas and electricity, (ENTSOG and ENTSO-E), with the key involvement of stakeholders, has provided answers on technical and market issues suitable for Europe, and the various network codes for electricity and gas are in different stages of implementation.
By the end of 2017 they will all be adopted. Now come the challenges of full implementation and monitoring, and a joint conference in Brussels has been organised to celebrate the common achievement to date and to discuss the next steps.
In 2009, European market participants faced barriers to entry, cross-border congestions, limited interconnections, lack of competition and transparency, among other unification problems. Regulatory heterogeneity translated into limited trading volumes and price spreads between countries. The Third Energy Package and the network codes are aimed at tackling this situation. 
The broad plan is that co-operation among transmission system operators will continue to be facilitated through the two ENTSOs. ACER’s establishment contributes to reinforcing co-operation by National Regulatory Authorities and to filling the regulatory gap resulting from market integration as national regulators have responsibilities over their national jurisdictions. ENTSO-E believes that Europeans are already benefiting from more security of supply and better network planning. System operation and market rules have been harmonised and are more transparent. but conference organisers emphasise the value they have already added.