On 22 February an MoU was signed that strengthens the long-term strategic partnership between Shanghai Electric and Ansaldo Energia (45% owned by Cassa depositi e prestiti (Cdp) Group and 40% by Shanghai Electric), in particular setting out an “investment sharing plan” to support market introduction of Ansaldo’s (formerly Alstom’s) GT36 gas turbine.

The MoU was signed with Italian President, Sergio Mattarella, and People’s Republic of China President, Xi Jinping, in attendance, by Cdp Group (represented by CEO Fabio Gallia), its subsidiary company Ansaldo Energia (represented by chairman Giuseppe Zampini) and Shanghai Electric Corp (represented by Chairman Zheng Jianhua).

Cdp Group became Ansaldo Energia’s main shareholder in 2013 and since then has been working with the company on growing its market share internationally and particularly in China.

As long term majority shareholder, Cdp Group has supported Ansaldo in its acquisition of former Alstom heavy duty gas turbine assets, including the GT36.