Brazilian utility Light Serviços de Eletricidade (‘Light’) has implemented Smallworld core spatial technology by GE Network Solutions to manage its electrical distribution networks. Light, which distributes power to the city and parts of the state of Rio de Janeiro and is one of the largest privately owned electric utilities in Brazil, is putting together an integrated solution that includes SCADA, commercial, operations, and analysis systems. Smallworld is at the heart of this solution, providing a common geographic data repository for Light’s distribution area urban mapping, electrical network, and dispatch control center data. “We chose GE Network Solutions software to enable us to achieve the highest level of integration and to provide our customers with the benefits of state-of-the-art distribution network management software,” said Mauro Andrade, project manager at Light.

The Smallworld technology will feed Light’s distribution management system, which will integrate with a variety of corporate systems including: SAP/R3, PRAO (Planification des Reseaux Assistée par Ordinateur), UE (Utilities Expert) and Pegasus. Light will use the Smallworld ‘Design Manager’ application for network planning and design as well as the Smallworld internet application server (SIAS) for distributing spatial and non-spatial information via the Internet.

SAINCO, the prime system integrator on the project, is responsible for supplying both the GE Network Solutions software and Light’s new SCADA system, and for integrating them with the previous automation systems, including network analysis and planning software.

•American Electric Power Company has successfully gone into production with its GE Network Solutions ‘PowerOn’ outage management system (OMS) pilot project. PowerOn is a software product designed to help electric utilities manage their network operations and quickly restore electric service during outages. AEP wishes ultimately to standardise on one OMS, which would reduce internal development costs. They see PowerOn as helping to achieve this goal, as well as gaining additional OMS functionality.

The project encompasses approximately 300 circuits and 300 000 customers. With the successful implementation of the pilot system, which was completed in just under six months, AEP has begun to roll out PowerOn throughout its organisation. ‘Remote PowerOn’, a web-enabled dispatch tool, has also been implemented, providing AEP with the ability to assign and dispatch work crews from any dispatch centre throughout the organisation. AEP brought the first complete region in its organisation to operational status earlier this year.