France’s latest auction for large-scale solar PV has awarded over 440 MW of capacity to community energy schemes backed by crowdfunding, the Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy has announced.

The auction awarded a total of 507 MW of capacity, with schemes ranging in size from 500 kW to 17 MW. Nearly 90 per cent of the projects have been financed through crowdfunding, and will receive an additional bonus of €3 per MWh.

The auction concluded with an average price of €55.5/MWh, a significant drop over the price of €63.9/MWh obtained in France’s first tender, held in March 2017.

The majority of the projects will be built in France’s southern regions, including Nouvelle Aquitaine (139.1 MW), Occitanie (103.3 MW), and Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur (54.8 MW).

Four more auctions are due to be held, with the next one scheduled to award 500 MW in December 2017.