A consortium of Gasunie, Groningen Seaports and Shell Nederland has launched an ambitious power-to-gas green hydrogen project in the Netherlands.

The project partners said that the so-called NortH2 project will use energy produced by a 3-4 GW ‘mega offshore wind farm’ in 2030 to produce hydrogen and contribute to the objectives of the Dutch Climate Accord.

The project could grow to 10 GW by 2040, Gasunie added in a statement.

“Green hydrogen production, initially in the Eemshaven and later possibly also offshore, is expected to be around 800,000 tonnes per year by 2040. This would avoid about seven megatonnes of CO2 per year,” Gasunie said.

The project partners are seeking additional partners to expand the consortium. Their aim is to build offshore wind farms in the North Sea, with the first units targeted for operation in 2027.

An electrolyser located in Eemshaven would use the offshore wind energy to generate hydrogen.

Finally, a smart transport network in the Netherlands and Northwest Europe is required to deliver the 800 000 tonnes of green hydrogen to mainly industry, and later possibly also to consumers.

The partners will start a feasibility study this year, and hopes to start producing hydrogen in 2027, depending on permits, the assignment of new wind farm locations in the North Sea, the available locations for hydrogen facilities and a final investment decision by the project partners.

Marjan van Loon, President-Director of Shell Nederland, said: “Together, we are launching an ambition that puts the Netherlands at the forefront of hydrogen globally. This project offers opportunities throughout the entire hydrogen chain.

“In order to realise this project, we will need several new partners. Together we will have to pioneer and innovate to bring together all the available knowledge and skills that are required. The energy transition calls for guts, boldness, and action.”