GE is celebrating the achievement of several significant landmarks for its H-class heavy duty gas turbine fleet which has secured more than 50 customers across 20 countries, generated more than 26 GW of power, and accumulated more than 1 000 000 commercial operating hours. GE launched its flagship HA unit in 2014, and brought the first unit into commercial operation in 2016 with ‘record-setting’ combined cycle efficiency.

 “GE is advancing flexible, efficient, and reliable gas power generation solutions as gas is best-suited to complement renewable energy. We are proud of the momentum, progress, and collaboration with our HA customers as we celebrate this milestone with them” commented Amit Kulkarni, head of product management for Heavy Duty Gas Turbines at GE Gas Power.

GE recently announced new HA-powered pilot projects focused on demonstrating power plants capable of operating on hydrogen. Its H-Class gas turbine portfolio currently has the capability to burn up to 50% by volume of hydrogen when blended with natural gas.  This capability is enabled by the DLN2.6e combustion system, standard on current 9HA.01, 9HA.02 and 7HA.03 gas turbines offerings.