ABB Alstom Power has been chosen by the Ohio Coal Development Office to lead a Clean Coal Technology programme to evaluate potential CO2 emission reduction techniques for Ohio’s coal-fired plants. The 17-month study will be completed by March 2001.
ABB Alstom Power’s boiler segment, with AEP, ABB Lummus Global, and the US Department of Energy’s Federal Energy Technology Centre will evaluate the technical feasibility and economics of three alternative CO2 capture technologies that could be applied to a full-scale coal-fired power plant in Ohio.
The technologies under study are:
• Conventional coal combustion, with the CO2 removed via Kerr-McGee/ABB Lummus Global’s MEA-based absorption/stripping process.
• Coal combustion in an O2/CO2 rich environment in which the flue gas is recycled and the CO2 is siphoned off and removed.
• Coal combustion with low excess air and CO2 capture via a catalyst-based system employing tertiary amines.
Each technology will be evaluated on a 400 MWe coal-fired boiler at AEP’s Conesville station to measure its impact on unit performance and overall power generation cost.