Dynegy has agreed to reduce emissions from coal-fired power plants in Illinois at a cost of $545 million over the next seven years as part of a settlement with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The changes will reduce emissions of SOx, NOx and mercury and covers plants in Baldwin, Havana, Hennepin, Oakwood and Alton.
Six years ago, the EPA sued Dynegy over emissions from its plant in Baldwin, about 80 km southeast of St. Louis. The settlement is one of a series of agreements with power plant operators, focused on securing major reductions in emissions from coal-fired power plants.
Under the terms of the settlement, Dynegy will invest $321 million in emission control projects from now to 2010, including the previously planned conversion to low-sulphur coal at its Oakwood plant, with an additional $224 million in investments in 2011 and 2012.