For the first time European steam and gas turbine makers of all performance classes have come together to form an association. It is called EUnited and it intends to represent its members’ viewpoints at all decision making levels of the EU. Its founders are AG Kuehnle, Kopp & Kausch, Alstom, BVI, GE Energy, MAN Turbo, Rolls-Royce, Siemens PG and Tuthill Energy.
It’s first challenge is to tackle efficiency enhancement and to encourage the EU “to intensify R & D activities in the field of gas and steam turbine process efficiency” in particular through FP7 funding. Three of its members (R-R, MAN and Alstom) are already members of EuMIGT, the gas tubine manufacturers assocation, and EUnited intends to integrate the two under the EUnited banner.
Its first president is Gerard Brunel, CEO of Alstom PG in Mannheim, and it has already established offices in Brussels and Frankfurt.