A new ranking, the WWF Dirty Thirty, ranks the least efficient among the biggest carbon dioxide emitters and finds that 27 of the 30 dirtiest power plants are coal-fired, with Agios Dimitrios in Greece, Frimmersdorf in Germany, and Aboño in Spain heading the table.

The global conservation organisation looked at the absolute CO2 emissions of power stations in 25 EU countries and ranked the 30 biggest emitters according to their level of efficiency. Most of the top 30 are located in Germany which has nine of the most polluting plants, including four run by RWE, making it the biggest CO2 emitter in the European power sector.

Poland follows with five, then come Italy, Spain, and the UK with four plants each. Greece, meanwhile, has two lignite plants ranked in first and fourth place.

The ranking also shows that only half a dozen companies account for most of Europe’s dirtiest power stations: 19 of the 30 plants analyzed are run by RWE, Vattenfall, Enel, Endesa, E.On, and EDF.

The table showing the top ten European polluters is shown via the link


WWF league tables