The company heads up two consortia made up of 26 companies and 21 research bodies as part of the Ingenio 2010 programme and will conduct research into the CO2 cycle and intelligence and control of distribution networks. The two programmes will receive funding of €26 million and €30 million respectively.
The National Strategic Consortia for Technical Research (CENIT) CO2 programme will last four years and will carry out research into the CO2 cycle from the reduction of emissions to its capture, storage and use or destruction.
Inabensa, Aries, Besel, CGS, Duro Felguera, Inerco, Técnicas Reunidas, UF Generación, Soluziona, Green Fuel and Hunosa and Alquimiaimasd also form part of the consortium which is jointly led by Endesa Generación and Unión Fenosa. AICIA, AITEMIN, CIRCE, CSIC-ICTJA, CSIC-ICB, CSIC-ICP, CSIC-INCAR, IGME, CIEMAT, CIDAUT and the Universities of Alicante, Almería, Complutense, León, Oviedo and Rey Juan Carlos will also participate in research activities.