Under the terms of the deal Siemens will supply four new high-pressure turbines for Forsmark Units 1 and 2 and will also modify the cooling water system and the preheater train. Partner company Balcke-Dürr, Ratingen, Germany, will renew the moisture separator/reheaters.

Work on Unit 1 will begin in the summer of 2008 and will be completed within the regular refueling outage, the company says. Work on Unit 2 is due to commence in 2009. The three boiling water reactors situated north of Stockholm have an installed capacity of some 3000 MWe and began commercial operations in the early 1980s.

The value of the contract amounts to more than €70 million and comes as a follow-up on the replacement of the low-pressure turbines of Forsmark Unit 3 in 2004.