With the projects spread across four states, construction is already under way at the Cedar Creek project in Weld County, Colorado. The 300 MW venture between BP and Babcock & Brown will comprise 274 turbines. Initial operation is expected in the second half of 2007.

The remaining four projects include a re-powering of the existing Yaponcha facility in San Gorgonio Pass in California which expects to have a capacity of 20 MW. Some 160 MW are planned in Texas with a 60 MW joint project with Clipper Windpower and a project in excess of 100 MW in West Texas. A 65 MW development is also planned for North Dakota.

BP plans to install 150 MW of Clipper Liberty turbines as part of the supply and joint development agreement it entered into in 2006 with Clipper Windpower. In July, 2006, BP announced a strategic alliance with Clipper to supply up to 4,250 MW of wind turbines over the next five years. Later in the year, BP acquired two US wind development companies.

The move comes as BP announces the departure of its “green advocate” chief executive Lord Browne. Effective at the end of July 2007, Tony Hayward will succeed Lord Browne following his retirement as group chief executive.

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