EDF has signed agreements with China National Nuclear Corporation and China Guangdong Nuclear Power Holding Company (CGNPC) to become a partner in China’s nuclear programme.
The agreement is intended to strengthen the engineering collaboration between the companies, which started with the construction of the nuclear plants of Daya Bay and Ling Ao in Guangdong Province. This agreement will see increased liaison between the two groups, particularly in the fields of training, project management and R&D.
The partnership with CGNPC complements the joint-venture agreement, concluded with EDF in 2008, for the construction and operation of two EPR nuclear reactors at Taishan. It provides a broader framework for co-operation between the two groups, particularly in the fields of engineering, purchasing and R&D. It is also a reminder of the determination of EDF and CGNPC to identify the opportunities for joint development projects, both within China and internationally.
These two agreements are a consolidation of the EDF’s 25-year strategic presence in China. As operator of the largest number of nuclear installations globally, the Group is therefore participating, alongside the largest nuclear operator in China, in the biggest nuclear construction programme in the world.