Land Instruments has been granted a series of approvals by UK government agencies and by the German TÜV. Its FGAII CEM analyser has been granted MCerts approval for continuous emissions monitoring systems (CEMs) by the UK Environment Agency. for monitoring using ‘advanced dual sensor technology’ covering measurement of O2, CO, NO, NO2, SO2 and CO2. FGAII is the first extractive analyser for measuring NO2 to be awarded the MCerts approval. FGAII analysers have the capability to provide total NOx readings by direct measurement – there is no dependence upon calculation or conversion. The company’s model 4500 MkII+ dust emissions monitor has also been granted MCerts approval for CEMs by the same agency following testing by SIRA.

In addition to the MCerts approval, FGAII has also gained TÜV approval to the 13th, 17th and 27th BimSchV and TA Luft. Land’s dust emissions monitor 4500 Premier has been granted TÜV approval to the 13th, 17th, 27th and 30th BImSchV and TA Luft 2002

MCerts approval has also been granted for FGA 900 Series single box system covering CO, O2 and NO stack emissions monitor.