GE Distributed Power has constructed a unique 2.3 MW diesel generator set that will provide a back-up auxiliary power supply and also assist with black starting the 480 MW GE H system in the Baglan Bay Energy Park in South Wales, scheduled to begin service in 2002. This genset will power all the essential electrical loads if a low bus voltage situation occurs. In addition, under blackout conditions the H system can undergo a restart without the normal back-feeding of power from the electrical transmission system and auxiliary power transformer.

GE will design, manufacture and test the packaged standby diesel generator, including all accessories for installation. Equipment for the genset package will be installed on a common base frame and will include a GE 7FDS 16-cylinder diesel engine rated at 3830 continuous bhp and an engine-generator control panel designed and manufactured by GE Industrial Systems. The genset has the ability to remain stable after absorbing a step response in essential power demand and can be ready for load within 12 seconds of start initiation.

The genset, along with a 30 MW GE LM2500 aeroderivative gas turbine, will be part of the Baglan Bay power plant. The power station is also the first application of GE’s H system and is expected to be something of a global showcase.