The UK-based Bronzeoak Ltd has appointed Mott MacDonald as owner’s engineer for its project to build a renewable energy-based cogeneration project in the Philippines. The plant, to be built in Negros Occidental Province, will provide steam and power to the Vitorias Milling Company’s sugar mill and refinery. Around 30 MW of surplus electricity will be exported to the local distribution network. The plant, which has an estimated cost of around $84 million, will provide a maximum electrical output of 54 MW from two 160 t/h high pressure boilers and a back-pressure steam turbine. Fuel for the plant will be bagasse supplemented by wood chips from local sustainable plantations during the off-season. The engineers role in the project covers full project implementation and includes the feasibility study, outline design, specification and tender review. Following contact award, Mott MacDonald will review detail designs, monitor construction and establish operating and maintenance arrangements. Front-end design work is being carried out with the assistance of the Sugar Research Institute of Australia.