Scania has achieved two significant developments in Egypt.

The first of these developments was the conversion of use of a 400kVA genset from standby duties to prime operation by the Egyptian Spanish Spinning Weaving Industry Co (MASS). The 400 kVA set at the factory in Cairo now operates 24 hours a day, 6 days a week, meeting 90 per cent of peak demand.

The second Egyptian development was at Tado’s factory located near Cairo, which produces PVC pipe fittings, working two 7-hour shifts a day. Tado has installed two generating sets from Scania, a DSC14 and a DSC 11, which are rated at 400 kVA and 250 kVA respectively. Managing director of Tado, Raouf S Zaki said: “We started generating electricity on a rented set because there was no mains supply at the time, with the intention of changing over when the mains infrastructure was completed. But since the price of mains electricity worked out to be three times as much as we were paying to generate it ourselves, we decided instead to invest in a new generating set.” Tado first used Scania gensets for prime power at its original factory in Ramadan City. When the company moved to its new premises in 1996, it decided to continue generating its own power with two new gensets. Both gensets were supplied and assembled by the local distributor Ghabbour Egypt.