E.ON says it will be one of the first companies able to use wind power to help stabilise the German grid, thanks to the integration of a wind farm (in Vorpommern-Greifswald) into its Virtual Power Plant, in which it bundles output from a variety of renewable and industrial sources.

Previously, the only renewables able to contribute to grid stability were hydro and biogas. “With this breakthrough in wind power”, E.ON says, it “is succeeding in anchoring renewable energy overall as a supporting pillar of grid stabilisation.”

The company is now planning to progressively increase the amount of wind used to enhance supply security, “making an important contribution to the success of the Energiewende”, and providing an additional revenue stream for wind generators.

E.ON says it has obtained pre- qualification for the Vorpommern- Greifswald wind facility from TSO 50Hertz, a precondition for being able to participate in the control energy market, previously only open to dispatchable generators.