Mitsubishi Heavy Industries has introduced an upgraded 50 Hz version of its F class gas turbine, designated M701F5. It features what MHI says is an upgraded and more flexible design. It will operate at an inlet temperature of 1500 ° C, a level previously obtainable only with G Class and higher specifications. It runs at high fuel efficiency and low NOx emissions while maintaining the reliability already exhibited by the F class fleet. The company is currently engaged in preliminary manufacturing prepatory to the new turbine’s commercial production.

The M701F5 design is based on the preceding M701F4 and exploits the company’s experience with the MHI F fleet – 182 units in operation around the globe, with more than 7 million actual operating hours and 70000 starts. The compressor section retains the M701F4’s airflow with the mid and rear stage profiles have been modified from NACA1 to CDA2. The combustion system is based on the verified GAC engine, and the turbine section incorporates state-of-the-art gas turbine technologies developed for the J Class, including advanced cooling technology and advanced thermal barrier coatings. The company is currently conducting stringent verification tests on the M501J gas turbine and its core technologies. To date, results of the validation tests have provided invaluable data for the M701F5’s components.

The GT achieves a rated simple cycle power output of near 350 MW (ISO basis) and 520 MW in combined cycle power generation. MHI is aiming to achieve GTCC thermal efficiency in excess of 61%.