ABB has won an order to supply 54 very high efficiency10 kV dry-type transformers for an R&D and data storage centre in Tianjin, China. The centre is owned by Tencent, one of the country`s largest internet service providers.
Tencent is expanding its cloud computing and R&D capabilities and has already established data centres using environmentally friendly and energy efficient technologies in Shenzhen and Shanghai. The new centre in Tianjin is expected to support the company’s growth in northern China. Data centres require high levels of power reliability as digital devices are extremely intolerant of power supply interruptions or fluctuations. Efficiency is also a key element given the high operating and maintenance costs of such centres.
As well as their high efficiency and reliability factor, says ABB, the new transfomers are capable of reducing no-load losses by up to 10 % compared with similar standard transformers, and are more environmentally friendly.
The epoxy resin cast transformers will be manufactured in ABB’s Shanghai facility. They are said to feature excellent short circuit resistance and overload support capacity, eliminate leakage risk of flammable or contaminating substances, and minimise power losses.