Hitachi Energy has unveiled a demonstration unit of its HyFlex ‘Hydrogen Power Generator' in Gothenburg, Sweden, during an event held with its technology partner, PowerCell Group.

This new solution is an integrated and scalable plug-and-play generator for temporary or permanent installation, where power grid connections are impractical, and diesel generators are not an option. The medium-power version provides power for temporary installations and is designed for 400–600 kVA. The high-power version caters for permanent installations and will provide 1 MVA or more per unit. Units can be installed in parallel to meet specific power needs.

HyFlex is completely emission-free, producing only AC power, usable heat, and water. By comparison, a 1 MVA diesel generator running at full load burns roughly 225 kg of diesel and emits 720 kg of CO2 emissions per hour.

Key applications include construction sites in remote locations or noise- and pollution-sensitive cities; mining sites to power the increasing number of electrically powered equipment like dump trucks and excavators; data centres, hospitals, and hotels that require an emergency backup supply of power and/or heat; and shore-to-ship applications at ports to sustainably power ships at berth as an alternative to diesel generators.

Hitachi Energy is developing demonstration unit with Gothenburg-based fuel cell manufacturer PowerCell Group. PowerCell has provided the power modules and know-how in fuel cell integration and Hitachi Energy has the balance of plant and expertise in power electronics, batteries, cooling, intelligent control, and systems integration.

Hitachi Energy expects to launch a mobile variant of this eco-friendly generator for temporary deployment in late 2024 and the permanently deployable variant in 2025.  

Hitachi Energy now has what it regards as a complete solutions portfolio across the green hydrogen value chain. The portfolio includes power-to-hydrogen (or grid-to-stack) solutions for electrolyser systems that optimise the entire power supply, from the high-voltage grid connection to the DC stack terminals of the electrolyser, and it has already provided a grid-to-stack solution for a 20 MW electrolyser in Sweden and is providing a similar solution for a 20 MW project in Finland.

Image: Hitachi's hydrogen power generator demonstration unit