Telecoms firm BT has signed long-term power purchase agreements (PPAs) worth £440 million with three UK wind farms. The deals are with Fallago Rig in the Scottish Borders, Mynydd Bwllfa in Wales and Heysham South Wind Farm in Lancashire.

In the largest deal, worth around £300 million, BT has agreed to purchase 50 per cent of the output from the 144 MW Fallago Rig wind farm over the next 20 years. This is enough to match the power consumption of its entire Scottish operations, BT says.

The company has also signed a 15-year, £100 million agreement to buy all the electricity generated by the 22.5MW Mynydd Bwllfa wind farm, which will provide enough electricity to match around half of BT’s demand in Wales. Mynydd Bwllfa, currently under construction near Aberdare, South Wales will comprise nine Nordex N90 2.5MW turbines, and is expected to be complete in early summer 2015, according to project developer Pennant Walters.

The final agreement, worth £40 million, is a 15-year deal to purchase electricity generated by the new 7.5 MW Heysham South Wind Farm in Lancashire, which is due to begin construction over the next few months.

BT is a major consumer of electricity in the UK, using around 2 TWh in 2013/14, and around 170 GWh of electricity per annum in Scotland, and 110 GWh in Wales.

"At BT we’re as focused on cutting our own carbon emissions as we are to providing products and services that help everyone live within the planet’s resources," said Rob Williams, BT’s head of energy supply. "We’ve reduced carbon emissions from our own operations by 25.5 per cent globally during 2013/14."