Mitsubishi Corporation has signed a participation agreement with Sempra Infrastructure, TotalEnergies and Mitsui for the development of the proposed Hackberry Carbon Sequestration project at a site in Southwest Louisiana.

The aim is to capture, transport and sequestrate carbon dioxide, sourced primarily from the Cameron LNG liquefaction facility. The participation agreement provides the basis for the parties to enter into a joint venture with Sempra Infrastructure for the HCS project. Last summer Hackberry Carbon Sequestration, LLC, which is owned by Sempra Infrastructure, filed an application for a Class VI injection well permit from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for permanent storage of up to 2 million tonnes per annum of CO2.

As underpinned in its ‘Roadmap to a Carbon Neutral Society’ and ‘Midterm Corporate Strategy 2024’, announced in October 2021 and May 2022 respectively, Mitsubishi is placing greater emphasis on energy transformations. By lowering the carbon footprint throughout the LNG value chain through CCS and other initiatives, MC hopes to spearhead future transformations and ‘help societies to decarbonise by providing a stable supply of clean energies’.

Masaru Saito, senior VP division COO, Mitsubishi North America, commented "CCS promises to play an important role in achieving net-zero emissions on a global scale, so we are excited about making this project happen and looking forward to expanding our CCS business portfolio."

The development of the HCS project is subject to the signing definitive agreements, securing all necessary permits, and reaching a final investment decision.