Sennen is working with Ørsted to pilot an innovative digital system designed to help the planning, construction and delivery of New York’s first offshore wind farm – the 132 MW South Fork Wind. Sennen’s software is intended to help Ørsted deploy teams performing different construction phase tasks simultaneously without risk of interfering with each other’s activities. This is a particular issue for on-site multi-contractor management. Without an automated system, interruption to work can result in wasted resources and delays. This new tool will give Ørsted full sight of contractor movements, enabling them to plan and allocate construction activity easily, efficiently and safely.

It will be run in parallel with existing processes, to measure potential improvements. 

Gaby Amiel, co-founder and chief executive of Sennen, said: “The rapid expansion of the offshore wind industry needs to be supported by intelligent digital systems that will enable growth to happen as quickly and safely as possible. We need companies like Ørsted to test new ideas and ways of working so that the industry can continue to innovate and grow. This project allows us to test and develop this new software on a real wind farm, which will offer invaluable learning.”

South Fork Wind Farm will be the first completed utility-scale offshore wind farm in US waters, with the project expected to be operational by the end of 2023.

Ørsted’s aim is to have 30 GW of offshore wind installed globally by 2030. It has five offshore wind farms currently in construction around the world.

The development of Sennen’s new construction tool has received a £112 000 grant funding from the Offshore Wind Growth Partnership (OWGP) which supports high growth companies in the UK supply chain.