The start of construction is expected in May 2007, and commissioning in July 2008.

AES Sonel invites major transmission line contractors or manufacturers with the requisite experience to pre-qualify for the tender related to the design, supply and construction of towers, cables and accessories, insulators attachment hardware, power transformers and substation equipment.

The works shall include manufacture, testing, transportation, delivery, erection, commissioning and testing together with the making good of defects.

Potential tenderers will be pre-qualified in respect of technical competence and the size and strength of the financial resources of the company or contracting group. Tenderers not meeting the following pre-qualification criteria will not be eligible to bid. The contractor or members of the contracting group collectively, are required to demonstrate by documentary evidence:

Experience of successful engineering design, procurement and erection of not less than five transmission lines and five high voltage substations, each of at least 90 kV, in foreign countries within the past ten years; Proven experience in the manufacture and testing of towers, cables, insulators, attachment hardware, power transformers and high voltage substation equipment; Have constructed and completed not less than three such projects in Africa; Tenderer must confirm willingness to offer guarantees for programme and agree to accept liquidated damages for failure to meet the guarantees; Accreditation to ISO 9001 or equivalent; Annual turnover for the last three years of a minimum of Euro 200 million, as demonstrated by annual accounts audited according to IAS, GAP or other standards that are acceptable to AES Sonel.

Tenderers not meeting the upper pre qualification criteria will not be eligible to bid.

The Request For Proposals (RFP) documentation is being finalised and scheduled to be issued in mid-October 2006. Only pre selected candidates will be given access to the RFP documents.

To participate to this pre-qualification process see :

Complete the Registration sheet with the requested information (IMPORTANT: PLEASE INDICATE “KRIBI TRANSMISSION PROJECT” IN THE REFERRAL FIELD),

After registering, you will receive an email from AES SONEL informing that your registration is complete and that you have access to the platform.

Return to , logon, and download further information on this pre-qualification.

You are required to respond electronically via the Power Advocate website before 1 October, 2006. This will entail ‘uploading’ any written responses to the RFP or any other company data you wish to provide.

For questions concerning this qualification process, please contact and

For questions concerning the poweradvocate internet platform, please contact

Director of Shared Services, William Bennett

The government granted AES SONEL, the integrated electric utility in Cameroon – 56% owned by AES with the remaining shares are owned by the government – the right to build a 150 MW gas-fired production facility in Kribi and the transmission premises for connection to the southern interconnected grid in 2005.

AES SONEL is setting-up a subsidiary for the project ownership, Kribi Power Company (KPC).

The financing scheme of the Project is 30% equity and 70% loan and AES SONEL, on behalf of KPC, is applying for a loan from international and local lending institutions. The closing is expected in May 2007.
