Italy’s FATA has started construction of a new gas-fired combined cycle power plant in Zagreb, Croatia.

The new El-TO Zagreb CCPP unit, with an electrical output of 150 MWe and heat output of 114 MWt is the single largest investment made by Hrvatska elektroprivreda (HEP) in new generation facilities in the last ten years.

The CHP facility will be equipped with Siemens gas turbine technology and will replace an existing power generation plant at the site, helping to reduce emissions as well as dependence on electricity imports.

The project is supported by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the European Investment Bank (EIB). It is an important pillar of HEP’s investment plan to 2030, which envisages building 1500 MW of new capacity.

“The construction of HRK 900 million combined-cycle cogeneration at the EL-TO Zagreb CHP site is important for HEP as the completion of this largest investment in new generation capacities during last ten years will result in a modern highly efficient facility for the production of electricity and heat energy,” said Frane Barbarić, the president of the Management Board of Hrvatska elektroprivreda. “The investment is important for Croatia as well since it will contribute to the energy self-sufficiency of our country and have a positive effect on the growth of the national economy.”