GE has launched its latest aeroderivative gas turbine, the LM6000-PF+, with the announcement of a six-unit order from Thailand’s Gulf Energy Development with Mitsui Corp under an EPC contract with TOYO Engineering Corp. This makes it GE’s largest deal to date for distributed power applications in Thailand.
The PF+ is GE’s latest gas turbine technology and is designed to bring power online faster and more efficiently than in the past through increased performance, flexibility and installation speed. To maintain its record of reliability, the PF+ shares more than 90% of its components with previous LM6000 models. In fact, the upcoming LM6000-PF+ package is expected to incorporate technologies from four GE businesses, including GE Aviation for the gas turbine, GE Energy Management for controls, GE Oil & Gas for gearbox equipment and GE Power & Water for the overall package design and engineering.   
As a result of its cross-business collaboration, says GE, the PF+ offers higher gas turbine output (52-58 MW) and combined-cycle efficiency (56 %) than other products in its class. Some of the latest technologies include super polished compressor airfoils and an upgraded dual-fuel DLE combustor.
GED, one of the largest independent power producers (IPP) in Thailand, has selected the PF+ for three combined-cycle power 90 MW (net) plants to be installed within 300 km of Bangkok. GED has also signed a 25-year multi-year agreement with GE for long-term upgrades and maintenance on the six units, which are expected to be shipped in 2016.
The PF+, says GE, will be introduced with a new package design for full installation in as little as three months for simple-cycle plants and 12 months for combined-cycle plants. The new package can be installed more than 50 % faster than previous LM6000 models and is well suited to customers needing flexible power as quickly as possible.