The Peruvian government is to sell its 30 per cent share in the electricity generating company Egenor SA, Dow Jones reports. The stake will be sold in a single block to a strategic investor in a sale which is due to take place during September.
It is believed that the possible bidders include Duke Energy Corp of the USA and Statkraft of Norway. The government has said that it expects to raise between $60 million and $70 million from the sale.
A consortium of Duke Energy and the Chilean company Gener SA already controls a 60 per cent stake in Egenor. Duke Energy is the controlling member of the consortium with a 51 per cent stake. If the US company were to take the 30 per cent of Egenor offered by the government, it would consolidate its control of the utility. The remaining 10 per cent stake in Egenor is held by various small shareholders.