Hassyan Energy Co, a joint venture of Dubai Electricity & Water Authority (51%) and ACWA Power Harbin Holding Co (49%), has signed an EPC agreement with Harbin Electric International and GE for the Hassyan Energy Phase 1 clean coal project. Phase 1 consists of four units. each rated at 600 MWe net, scheduled to be operational in March 2020, March 2021, March 2022 and March 2023 respectively.
The EPC agreement advances development of the project, which will produce 2400 MWe net, and plays a major part in achieving the objectives outlined in Dubai’s Clean Energy Strategy 2050, in particular the fifth pillar, which prioritises environmentally friendly energy according to the following 2030 target percentages: 25% solar energy, 7% nuclear energy, 7% clean coal, and 61% natural gas. The first unit is expected to be operational by March 2020.
Hassyan Clean Coal IPP is the first clean coal power plant in the Middle East. The ultra-supercritical plant will be designed to deliver best in class performance on efficiency, output and adherence to global environmental best practices. Commenting on the signing, H.E Saeed Al Tayer, md and CEO of DEWA, said: "Hassyan will utilise the latest global clean coal technologies, such as the ultra-supercritical technology, and the latest environmental standards. Hassyan Clean Coal IPP will be implemented under a BOO model."
Hassyan plant will be designed to operate in compliance with aggressive emissions and environmental international standards. To help further guarantee compliance, the power plant will meet limits set for flue gas emissions that are stricter than the emission limits in the European Union’s Industrial Emissions Directive and those set by the International Finance Corporation guidelines
This will be the first coal-based power plant in the GCC (Gulf Co-operation Council) region and first ultrasupercritical clean coal power plant the Middle East and Africa.
In May a consortium led by ACWA Power signed a 25 year power purchase agreement with DEWA relating to phase one of the coal fired plant.