The International Energy Agency (IEA) has said that Japan’s energy system has shown “great resilience” since the 2011 Fukushima disaster, but wants the country to do more to tackle greenhouse gas emissions.
Energy policy in Japan has been focussed on overcoming the impacts of the 2011 Great East Japan earthquake and the subsequent Fukushima nuclear accident. After the shutdown of all of the country’s nuclear power plants, fossil fuel use, electricity prices and energy imports all rose.
The IEA says that the country should now focus on the development of a secure, affordable and decarbonised energy system by promoting renewable energy alongside nuclear energy and efficient thermal generation.
“The traditional focus on security of supply has worked,” said IEA Deputy Executive Director Paul Simons. “The future challenge, however, is more about climate change. Japan should take concrete steps to meet its 2030 climate target and to cut emissions significantly more by 2050.”
According to the IEA, innovation is one of Japan’s key strengths and could help it to reduce emissions in its energy system. It also has a long tradition of effective energy efficiency policies.
The IEA has also encouraged Japan to implement its intended electricity and gas market reforms and establish a fully independent transmission system operator.