DNV is leading a collaborative effort to establish standards for flow meter traceability along the CO2 value chain, for accurate CO2 measurement in advancing carbon capture, utilisation, and storage.

As global decarbonisation efforts intensify, the success of CCUS projects such as Porthos, Aramis (Netherlands), Northern Lights (Norway), and Moomba (Australia), hinges on precise measurements and billing for compliance with emissions reduction regulations. Recognising the importance of this challenge, DNV launched a project in 2022 to conduct a thorough feasibility study on CO2 flow metering.

The study revealed significant gaps in demonstrating compliance with CO2 metrology for the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) and other international regulations, and highlighted two significant challenges, namely the absence of an officially recognised and traceable standard for measuring CO2 volume under dynamic conditions for gas, liquid, and dense phase CO2 and the lack of flow laboratories conducting research and calibrations under the necessary process conditions.

To address these challenges, DNV have initiated CO2MET, a joint industry project that brings together equipment suppliers, major transmission system operators and exploration and production companies (E&P), to establish traceable flow standards crucial for CCUS success.

The JIP is divided into two focused initiatives:

  • CO2MET Gas: this project, centred around gas applications, is expected to conclude during June this year.
  • CO2MET LIQ: focusing on conditions related to liquid, dense, and supercritical CO2, this project requires the design and construction of a new facility at DNV’s technology centre in Groningen to enable the development of traceable flow standards. First results are anticipated for the end of 2024; current participants include Shell, TotalEnergies, Equinor, Gasunie, Santos, Inpex, and Gassco, and new participants may yet join.

“As the world advances towards decarbonisation, DNV is [leading] the establishment of essential standards for CO2 metering to ensure the global success of CCUS initiatives. By convening industry stakeholders to develop trusted guidelines, recommended practices, and standards, we ensure the reliable operation of critical assets and systems. This involves setting operational limits and ensuring performance throughout the lifespan of industrial assets,” commented Prajeev Rasiah, executive VP and regional director Northern Europe, Energy Systems at DNV.

Rene Bahlmann, head of section for DNV’s Technology Centre Groningen, Energy Systems at DNV: “The facility is part of a network of Technology Centres that leverage our century-old experience in the maritime and energy sectors and combine deep industrial expertise with test capabilities to qualify and apply advanced technologies, thus driving innovation and standardisation”.