The Japanese government has announced that it plans to end the country’s reliance on nuclear power by the 2030s. It does not however plan to close down all nuclear plants, some of which may be able to continue to operate for some years beyond that date.
Japanese energy policy as outlined in the Innovative Energy and Environment Strategy published on 14 September seems to lie somewhere between a nuclear share of 0% and 15% by 2040. But there are ‘no plans to change the decisions that have already been made about the construction of new reactors,’ according to Yukio Edano, the Minister of Economy, Trade, and Industry, the Japan Times reported. The new policy specifies that new nuclear power plants will not be built in Japan and that existing reactors will be limited to a 40-year lifespan. This could see the youngest plant (Tomari 3) operating until 2049. Two new nuclear power plants (Shimane 3 and Ohma), which began construction prior to the Fukushima accident are also likely to be completed, and under the new policy could operate well into the 2050s.
Nuclear power accounted for around 30% of Japan’s electricity generation before the Fukushima disaster, and the government had been hoping to increase that ratio to 50% by 2050. The new strategy, however, aims ‘to achieve as soon as possible a society that does not depend on nuclear energy,’ in line with the wishes of the Japanese public. “The majority of the people wish to have a society that does not depend on nuclear power,” Japanese prime minister Yoshihiko Noda said during a press conference on 7 September.