Japan’s new guidelines to achieve greenhouse gas reduction goals of 6 per cent overall under the 1997 Kyoto Protocol have been drafted. They call for industries to cut emissions by 7 per cent between 2008 and 2012 from 1990 levels and seek a 2 per cent cut in household levels. The guidelines are expected to become national law after ratification in March.

45 new initiatives have been cited, including further promotion of renewables and energy saving measures. The move is necessary, says the government, because current guidelines are failing – the country’s emissions rose by 6.8 per cent between 1990 and 1999.

Goals set for individual industries include 7 per cent for the industrial sector, the arresting of emissions in the transport sector – exhibiting a 17 per cent growth since 1990 – and 3.9 per cent in forestation absorption.2 per cent is to be achieved through energy savings.

The guidelines also call for an increase in the nuclear component of 30 per cent in power generation compared to 2000.