The European Consortium Kozloduy, a group made up of Framatome ANP and the Russian company Atomenergoexport, has won the primary contract for modernisation of units 5 and 6 at the Kozloduy nuclear power plant in Bulgaria. The contract is worth around $230 million, with Framatome ANP receiving $180 million and Atomenergoexport the remainder.

Kozloduy nuclear power plant is owned by the Bulgarian government. Units 5 and 6 are third generation Russian designed VVER-1000 pressurised water reactors, each with a rated output of 1000 MW. The plant provides more than 40 per cent of Bulgaria’s electricity.

Modernisation of the units is intended to bring them into line with Western European safety standards as well as improving availability.

The project will focus on improvement of long-term cooling of the reactor, radiation and fire protection, instrumentation and control, the emergency power supply and enhancement of the plant operating reliability. Work will take place during planned outages between 2002 and 2005.

The work is being carried out with the financial support of Euratom. The Russian Roseximbank is also involved in financing. The modernisation programme is in line with IAEA recommendations for upgrading safety of VVER-1000 reactors and was approved by the Bulgarian safety authority. Modernisation of its power plants is a necessary part of Bulgaria’s preparation for the process of joining the European Union.