MAN Energy Solutions and Energy Dome, a long-duration energy storage specialist based in Milan, have entered into a Memorandum of Understanding for a non-exclusive collaboration. Both companies are committed to exploring the potential of integrating their individual technologies and competencies to further optimise Energy Dome’s CO2 battery technology, a pioneering long-duration energy storage system based on exploiting the latent energy of CO2 phase changes.

Matteo Falco, head of Industries, Region Europe at MAN Energy Solutions, commented: “Unfortunately, energy storage is lagging behind alternative energy production and preventing its widespread implementation. Various technologies with different capacities and characteristics must be utilised to bridge this gap.”

Claudio Spadacini, CEO of Energy Dome, said: “Our CO2 battery is a concrete solution that will change how sustainable, long-duration energy storage is adopted, making it more accessible and impactful for communities worldwide.”

Energy Dome’s technology is based on a closed thermodynamic transformation of CO2 between its gaseous and liquid states. When operating in charge mode, the CO2 is taken from an atmospheric gasholder, the Dome, and compressed via an inter-refrigerated compressor, driven by a motor. The heat generated from the compression is stored in a thermal energy storage system, while the CO2 is liquefied and stored under pressure at ambient temperature with zero atmospheric emissions. This allows for high-density energy storage without using extreme cryogenic temperatures. In discharge mode the CO2 is heated up, evaporated and sent through an expander before flowing back to the Dome. The expander drives a the generator, creating climate-neutral electricity for the grid.

Energy Dome’s first commercial CO2 battery plant in Italy will use a MAN Energy Solutions 20 MW CO2 expander. The turbomachinery will be shipped in summer 2024 for installation.

Image courtesy of MAN Energy Solutions