MHI will invest approximately ¥4 billion ($30 million) to expand nacelle roduction facilities at its Nagasaki Shipyard & Machinery Works and Yokohama Dockyard & Machinery Works. A turbine blade production plant in Mexico will also be expanded to cope with the production increase.

The main focus of the investment is to ramp up production of nacelles and blades for the company’s 2.4 MW turbines which are currently produced at the Koyagi Plant of its Nagasaki Shipyard & Machinery Works and the Honmoku Plant of the Yokohama Dockyard & Machinery Works. Fabrication of nacelles for MHI’s 1 MW turbine, will be shifted from Nagasaki to Yokohama while the Nagasaki production facility will be refurbished and dedicated to 2.4 MW units.

Annual production capacity will be increased from the current 400 MW to over 600 MW while the 1 MW line at Yokohama will be expanded to exceed 600 MW/Yr.

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