Commissioning of Spain’s first 400 kV XLPE cable system, one of Europe’s longest and an important part of the Spanish transmission grid.was completed successfully in February and put into commercial operation at the end of the same month. The system was supplied and installed by Germany’s Südkabel, formerly ABB Energiekabel GmbH. Project duration was 26 months starting in January 2002 with the contract award. This 400 kV Madrid project is the largest in the company’s EHV cable reference list .
With a system length of around 13 km it is Europe’s second longest
400 kV cable route at present and also one of the longest accessible cable tunnels in the world. Located in the northeast of the Spanish capital it replaces an overhead line of
1720 MVA transmission capacity that had to be removed owing to the extension of Madrid Barajas airport, currently one of Europe’s largest infrastructure projects.