Nigeria is planning to export electricity to Benin and Togo under a project which should be operational within 12 months. The three countries have agreed to reactivate an earlier project to link their power transmission networks, Reuters reports.
The project is expected to cost around $40 million in total. Nigeria has promised to contribute $22 million towards this. Work is due to begin in two months. When it is complete, the links will enable Nigeria to supply 70 MW, half the demand in the two countries.
Togo and Benin take most of their power from Ghana but a drought has hit water levels in the latter country, reducing hydroelectric output. The two nations currently receive only 5 MW, five per cent of their normal supply, from Ghana.
All three countries have introduced power rationing as a consequence.
Supplementary imports of 15 MW from the Ivory Coast have provided a little comfort. Nigeria has only been able to supply 2 MW.