Horizon Nuclear Power has signed contracts with both Westinghouse and Areva for preparatory design studies for a proposed new power station at Wylfa in North Wales. Horizon plans to select its preferred vendor around the end of the year.

Early Work Agreements have been signed with Areva for its EPR reactor and Westinghouse’s UK delivery organization Nuclear Power Delivery UK (NPDUK) for the AP1000. Under both agreements preliminary work is to be carried out between now and the end of 2010.

Alan Raymant, COO of Horizon said: “We are already working with both companies in a formal procurement process regarding our preferred vendor. Progressing with some studies now, for both designs, will support our planning and licensing process by allowing us to develop the site specific designs, and make us a more informed buyer.”

Both vendors welcomed the agreements.

Managing Director of Nuclear Power Delivery UK, Dr Rita Bowser, said: “Today’s announcement of the Early Works Agreement with our team is a very positive sign of Horizon’s determination to make sure that they are able to secure an attractive bid from us while maintaining their timeline.”

President of Areva UK Jean-Jacques Gautrot said: “We are delighted that Horizon has awarded us this early work agreement which will further support our plans for a fleet of EPR reactors in the UK.”