New York state governor Andrew Cuomo has outlined plans to boost clean energy in the US state by proposing the development of a swathe of offshore wind energy and energy storage projects.

In a State of the State address at the beginning of January, Cuomo outlined plans to issue solicitations for 800 MW of wind energy over the next two years and set a target for the installation of 1500 MW of energy storage capacity in the state by 2025.

The initiatives will reduce greenhouse gas emissions as well as spur development of the clean energy market and create jobs, Cuomo said.

His plans also include proposals to close all coal-fired power plants, expand the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), and support solar energy deployment.

“New Yorkers know too well the devastation caused by climate change, and in order to slow the effects of extreme weather and build our communities to be stronger and more resilient, we must make significant investments in renewable energy,” governor Cuomo said. “With this proposal, New York is taking bold action to fight climate change and protect our environment, while supporting and growing 21st century jobs in these cutting-edge renewable industries.”

In 2017 Cuomo set a target for the development of 2.4 GW of offshore wind in New York state by 2030. The solicitations planned for 2018 and 2019 are  the first step in this commitment, and will help to position New York as the leading offshore wind market in the US.

His plans in the energy storage field will be supported by a commitment of at least $200 million from NY Green Bank, a move that will “help drive down costs and to strategically deploy energy storage to where the grid needs it most”.

He has directed state energy agencies and authorities to develop a pipeline of storage projects and incorporate storage capacity into criteria for large scale renewable energy procurements.