Following a month long consultation process a meeting of European TSO representatives decided in October on a proposal on capacity calculation regions (CCRs). A capacity calculation region is a geographical area in which the relevant TSOs apply a co-ordinated capacity calculation. A CCR consists of several bidding zone borders.
The proposal will be submitted immediately to the national regulatory authorities (NRAs) for approval and to the Agency for the Co-operation of Energy Regulators, ACER.
The revised proposal includes the borders between Croatia and Slovenia, between Croatia and Hungary and between Romania and Hungary in the Central East Europe region. And it now shows the geographical evolution of the CCRs over time by including an additional annex about the future merging of the CCRs.
The proposal includes a clear commitment from the Central West Europe and the Central East Europe TSOs to co-operate from now on in the implementation of a common flow-based capacity calculation methodology in Central Europe as soon as possible and ensure a smoother and faster integration of both CCRs.  
The revised proposal is based on a dynamic and pragmatic pan-European approach. It supports co-ordination across the bidding zone borders where interdependence is the highest while taking into account the already achieved results and ongoing projects on capacity calculation and allocation. ENTSO-E will publish the complete proposal on CCRs on 13 November.

The submission of an all TSOs’ proposal on CCRs is the first step in the implementation of the EU Regulation EU (No) 2015/1222 establishing a guideline on capacity allocation and congestion management (CACM Regulation). The CACM Regulation stipulates that a number of tasks need to be performed by all TSOs. This covers all entities in the European Union that have been certified by a national regulatory authority as a transmission system operator and to which the CACM Regulation applies. ENTSO-E is the facilitator and co-ordinator of such tasks for all TSOs.
The next step is for all NRAs to decide on this proposal. For this, the CACM Regulation allows a six month period after submission.