A joint venture of Alstom and the Russian state-owned corporation Rosatom is to supply the turbine island for the Baltic nuclear power plant.

The joint venture, Alstom-Atomenergomash (AAEM), has signed an agreement to supply turbine island equipment for units 1 and 2 of the plant, in the Kaliningrad region, which are to be commissioned in 2016 and 2018 respectively.

The total value of the contract exceeds 35 billion rubles (around €875 million). The scope of supply agreement signed by AAEM includes Alstom’s Arabelle steam turbines, generators, condensers, moisture separator reheaters and auxiliary equipment. Although this is the joint venture’s first order, the share of equipment to be manufactured in Russia will exceed 50%. In future, this share is expected to reach 70% and more.

The equipment will be manufactured in Russia in accordance with previous Russian-French agreements and in line with the Russian localisation programme for nuclear power plants with Russian reactor designs locally and abroad. Alstom’s Belfort plant in France will support the production of certain types of equipment included in the contract signed by AAEM.

“The Baltic nuclear power plant is one of the most significant investment projects in Russia and the use of Arabelle reference technology is essential for attracting foreign investors. Its implementation will be key to ensure the energy security of the Baltic region and to improve the global competitiveness of Russia’s production of power equipment. It will create hundreds of new jobs and secure orders for the Russian nuclear industry”, said Kirill Komarov, Rosatom’s deputy director general for development and international business.

Baltic nuclear power plant is the first NPP project in Russia which involves the participation of foreign suppliers. It will cover the energy requirement of the Kaliningrad region, and secure energy exports to the Baltic states and north-west Europe. The plant will be based on the AES-2006 project which employs the pressurised water reactor VVER-1200 and will have capacity of 2 x 1200 MW. OJSC NIAEP, Rosatom’s, engineering company, is to be the general contractor for construction of the plant.