Siemens Gamesa has been awarded the first order for its ‘industry leading’ 170-metre rotor wind turbine. The company will deliver eight units of the SG 5.8-170 to Danish developer and wind turbine operator Eurowind Energy A/S for the 46 MW Knöstad project located near Karlstad, in Sweden.

The landmark order will mark the debut of the onshore wind turbine with the largest rotor in the industry, capable of capturing more wind in medium and low wind sites. Additionally, the turbines will operate at a capacity of up to 6.2 MW, which should result in record high annual energy production. Siemens Gamesa has also secured a 25-year full-service agreement.

This will be the second project to feature the Siemens Gamesa 5.X platform in Sweden. In December, the company reached an agreement to supply 35 SG 5.8-155 to Arise AB and Foresight for the Skaftåsen project. In less than a year since its launch, the company has secured orders for the turbine’s two variants, which have rotors of 155 and 170 metres respectively.

As one of the largest consumers of electricity per capita in the world, Sweden has pioneered the adoption of new technologies to bring down both the cost of the electricity and CO2 emissions. According to WindEurope, the country is expected to double its wind capacity from 7.4 GW to 14.9 GW by 2023 and the government has set a target of 100% renewable electricity production by 2040. Siemens says that a single SG 5.8-170 turbine is capable of avoiding the emission of 15 000 tons of CO2 per year.

The wind turbines will be installed during the second half of 2021 in a forested area. They will have a 115 metre hub height tower, meeting the maximum height permitted even with the turbine’s large rotor size.