Solarcentury has announced that it is to build a 6 MWp solar farm in Holland,.

The project will be the largest PV farm in the country so far, and will be executed in conjunction with Ameland, the Amelander Energy Cooperative (ACE) and Eneco.

Solar Park Ameland, located on Ameland Island in the north of the Netherlands, will be built on Ameland’s airfield. Solarcentury will design and build the facility, and will be responsible for maintenance and monitoring during operation.

Michiel van Beek, director of Solar Park Ameland said: "The basis for Solar Park Ameland is a unique collaboration between three different, but complementary, parties being the municipality of Ameland, the local energy cooperation AEC and sustainable energy supplier Eneco; all in it with the goal to build a solar farm for the locals and contributing to the island’s sustainability ambitions."

Construction of the Ameland solar park starts this month and is scheduled to be connected to the local grid early 2016.