TenneT TSO BV, Energinet.dk and TenneT TSO GmbH will sign a trilateral agreement in Brussels on 23 March to press ahead on developing a large renewable electricity transmission system in the North Sea centred on a Wind Power Hub in the form of a large artifical island dubbed Power Link Island and located at a site roughly equidistant from Denmark, The Netherlands, and the UK, perhaps on the Dogger Bank. TenneT first unveiled its vision of the hub in June last year. The close co-operation with Energinet.dk is an important next step towards accomplishing it, and discussions are ongoing with other potential partners. These include not only other North Sea transmission system operators but other infrastructure companies too. The goal is to achieve a multi-party consortium that will realise the Power Hub project.
The hub provides a basis for a joint European approach up to 2050 and focuses specifically on developing the North Sea as a source and a distribution centre for Europe’s energy transition. The location chosen for the island should satisfy a number of requirements – optimal wind conditions, central location and relatively shallow water. The Dogger Bank meets all these conditions.