Valmet is to deliver Valmet DNA Turbine Automation Systems with Valmet DNA User Interface for both power plant units at Fortum’s nuclear power plant in Loviisa, Finland. Automation renewal of the training simulator‘s interface signals is also included in the delivery. The upgrades of the steam turbine protection and control systems are a part of the lifetime extension-related investments and continuous improvements necessary to ensuring reliable electricity production.

The value of the orders has not been disclosed, but delivery is scheduled to be handed over at the Loviisa 2 reactor in October 2026, and at the Loviisa 1 reactor in October 2028. Fortum will take over the training simulator delivery in April 2026.

“The existing turbine protection and control systems are reaching the end of their technical service life, and the availability of spare parts is diminishing. The automation upgrade project aims to ensure the functionality of the systems until the end of the power plant’s lifetime. said Sasu Valkamo, senior VP of the Loviisa plant.

“This is a big step for Valmet, to supply the automation upgrades for the steam turbines and the training simulator of the Loviisa nuclear power plant. [Influential in winning the order] was that three of Valmet’s service centres are less than an hour’s drive from Loviisa,” said sales manager Tom Bäckman from Valmet’s Automation Systems business line.

The government of Finland has extended Fortum’s operating licence for the Loviisa 1 and 2 units, allowing the plant to continue generating power until the end of 2050.