The UK government has published the second part of its solar strategy, which sets out plans for solar power to be rolled out more widely by turning factories, supermarkets and car parks into ‘solar hubs.’

The strategy, published on 6 April, outlines steps that will be taken to "drive an ambitious step-change in the deployment of solar PV in the UK by 2020," through cost reduction, driving innovation, a strong focus on mid-size on-site generation, improving the supply chain and access to skills and training as well as removing barriers to deployment.

"This bold strategy focuses on a major opening up of the market for mid-size, commercial and industrial onsite generation and a new drive to work with industry to scale up domestic deployment, aiming for one million roof installations by the end of 2015," said Minister for Energy and Climate Change Greg Barker.

The UK government aims to install 1 GW of solar PV generating capacity on the government estate, and is targeting the nation’s 24 000 schools in particular. In 2014, it will identify the first 500 MW of deployment and seek private finance partners.

"The government pledged to work with developers, commercial property owners, planning authorities, and the solar industry to ‘cut red tape and sweep away barriers’ to deployment."

The government pledged to work with developers, commercial property owners, planning authorities, and the solar industry to ‘cut red tape and sweep away barriers’ to deployment.

In particular, the Department of Energy and Climate Change said it would work with the Department for Communities and Local Government on extending permitted development rights in England for building-mounted solar PV to rooftop systems up to 1 MW. A consultation is expected this summer.

"We want to move the emphasis for growth away from large solar farms and instead focus on opening up the solar market for the UK’s estimated 250 000 hectares of south facing commercial rooftops," Barker said.

Currently, there is 2.7 GWp of PV in the UK. Installed capacity is set to exceed 4 GWp in 2014, and has "the potential to reach up to 20 GWp of solar early in the next decade," according to Barker.

UK Solar PV Strategy: Part 2 is available on the DECC website.

Photo: Solar panels installed on UK roof tops